Decybertech team

Digital Forensics & Incident Response Services

Digital Forensics

Plan, Prepare, and React to Security Breaches.

Decybertech can help your organization prepare for, and quickly respond to, information security events. Our
experience has taught us that with cyber breaches an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to Digital
Forensics incidence

  • Digital Forensics & Incident Response (Ad-Hoc)Have general questions about incident response? Need help with
    something custom? If the worst happens and you are breached call us and we will help. Digital Forensics and incidence
  • Incident Response Readiness – An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don’t wait for something to happen.
    Prepare now!
  • Incident Response Planning – Get organized. Stay compliant. Documenting and regularly updating your incident response
    plan is important.
  • Mock Incident Response – Does your incident response plan work? When was the last time you tested it? Have
    Terminal Trend Security run you through a real-life scenario today!
  • Executive Management Consulting – Having trouble getting buy-in from your executive management team? Terminal Trend
    Security will help you develop and deliver an executive-friendly message. The Distinction Between E-Discovery And
    Computer Forensics (Digital Forensics and incidence response)For many but the most well-versed in the world of
    computer-based evidence, the terms ‘electronic discovery’ and ‘computer forensics’ may seem synonymous but in fact,
    they play very different roles and involve a very different level of expertise. Electronic discovery, usually shortened to ediscovery, is a term rooted in the American civil legal system and refers to the stage prior to a trial when a request is made
    by one party that the other hand over any and all archived electronic material that they hold in relation to the case. This
    will include emails, word processing documents, spreadsheets, and other data. Once handover has occurred, e-discovery
    involves the process of sifting through huge amounts of ‘raw’ data to remove duplicates (called ‘de-duping’) and useless
    information, in order to bring it together at a single location so that it can be searched electronically with ease by
    investigators or the lawyers representing that party.
    Sometimes, e-discovery is used to recover data from a damaged computer, but often it is used to investigate whether a
    company is compliant with the law in the way that it stores and handles data. For example, in 2006, Morgan Stanley was
    fined 15 million USD because it was found to have email archiving that was not in line with that required by law. In criminal
    cases, however, or indeed civil cases in which computer use or misuse is at the core of the activity in question, e-discovery
    may not be considered a satisfactory approach to evidence recovery, since it does not attempt to recover deleted or
    hidden data. Computer forensics, also known as digital forensics, on the other hand, is a much more specific discipline,
    which involves the analysis of computers and other electronic devices in order to produce legal evidence of a crime or
    unauthorized action. As such, computer forensic investigations often deal with the recovery of deliberately deleted or
    hidden evidence, or evidence of activity that leaves no obvious trace, such as the connection of a USB storage device to a

 As such, while e-discovery is essentially a process of organizing data, computer forensics is a considerably more
a complex process that involves highly technical procedures such as ‘data carving’: the act of looking for flags in unindexed, raw data which suggest the start and end of a block of data so that a single deleted file can be reassembled. Because computer forensics is concerned with producing court-admissible evidence, all investigations must follow a strict path that is fully audit-able in line with the guidelines of the Association for Chief Police Officers for the handling of computer-based evidence. If these guidelines are not properly adhered to, evidence could be thrown out of court. For this reason, computer forensics experts are often called to the stand to testify as to their findings and defend their methods under cross-examination. It is clear then, that the differences between e-discovery and computer forensics are considerable, not only in terms of remit but also in terms of the level of technical knowledge and skill required to successfully carry out an investigation. There is, of course, a place for both disciplines, but it is clear that e-discovery is rarely an appropriate tool for use in criminal rather than civil or legislative matters.

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